Butterfly Kisses

Dear Dad,

Guess what! I’m engaged!

The past few days have been filled with euphoria and excitement for my future with Nic, but it has also magnified the absence of you.

I wish so much that you could’ve been there. You were the one missing piece of an otherwise perfect proposal. Nic picked out the most beautiful setting and band to compliment the diamond you gave to mom.

In true Rick fashion, I could tell it was coming, I found some clues leading me to believe a ring might be under the tree. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise so I kept it (mostly) to myself. Nic did however, figure out I knew something. But he still caught me off guard by proposing at the beginning of the gift exchange at Kelli & Jim’s Christmas Eve party. Mom and Erik were right next to me and they were just as surprised as I was. (He told them he was proposing Christmas Day). Hannah even Facetimed Grandma and Aunt Dianna so they could be included, too.

Although I can’t imagine anything better than spending the rest of my life with Nic, I’ve somewhat dreaded a proposal because it would mean I had to plan the be there. The thought of you not walking me down the aisle or dancing to Butterfly Kisses with me just breaks my heart all over again.

In therapy, I’ve talked through what my wedding might look like without you physically there. I have a few perfect ways to incorporate you and your spirit in our dig day but it’s still going to be painful.

Rebecca Pearson put it best when she said “The happiest moments will also be a little sad”.

Love you infinitely, forever your little girl


In the seventeen months since Rick’s death I have been searching for my happy ending.  I’ve been dating and have met someone special BUT distance and life issues mean the relationship is moving slower than I would like.  I am taking care of myself and getting in shape and I feel beautiful BUT losing weight is so hard.  I continue to decorate my dream home and enjoy entertaining in my new space BUT the loneliness is unbearable.  

I have everything going for me; BUT  I am not happy.  In fact I am more depressed than ever.  I’m sleeping too much and having crazy dreams.  A week ago I dreamt I was I was pregnant and counted back 7 months to happily realize that Rick was the father and then woke up realizing not only am I to old; but it has been 17 months, not 7.  It feels like 7 years.  

How do you find JOY when the joy you knew for 25 years is gone?

Today in church, Andy talked about JOY and he talked about humility.  He reminded me how humility – taking the focus off ourselves – can lead to JOY.  He spelled it out this way:  Put Jesus and Others before Yourself.  

It’s actually simple and while I know that I won’t find joy from the perfect date, the greatest new outfit or even in my gorgeous dining room, that is where I have been looking.  

So my goal over the next few weeks is to ask for Gods help in seeing others as more significant than myself and to look for ways to serve others.  I really enjoy participating in acts of service so I don’t anticipate this being very hard.  In fact, it is giving me something to look forward to – I might even wake up before the alarm tomorrow.

And I will continue to build my vision for Make Them Yummy Meals – a Maketym.org not for profit organization that I will form in 2019 and launch in 2020.  It will be the beginning of my happy ending.