Love Broke Thru

The past 15 months have been the most challenging of my life. But I’ve turned a corner. The fog is lifting .. love broke through… and and I’m seeing God’s blessings in my life every day, not just every once in a while.

I have so many people to thank.

Thank you Susie.  Your powerful words at Rick’s funeral continue to comfort me.  Your prayers and encouragement have helped me heal.  You intuitively know when to reach out to me.

Thank you Annika for teaching me how to be a good mom and for being gracious when I fail.

Thank you Erik for calling me daily and always making sure I am ok.

Thank you Besties for always being by my side – in good times and bad.  You are my second family.

Thank you Mom and Dad.  Even when you don’t know what to say to ease my pain, you bring me comfort and support.

Thank you Tim and Michael for being a father figure in Erik’s life.

Thank you Kelli and Jim for loving my daughter like your own.

Thank you Nic for loving my daughter in good times and in bad.  I love you both and I love my grandpups.

Thank you Amy and Tammy and Julie and Susie and Laura and Christine.  As fellow members of the (young) widow club you truly understand me.

Thank you Rita for your weekly check in texts.

Thank you Mary Beth for girls nights and your perspective on single life.

Thank you Krisell and Kelly for working on my stress points and making me so relaxed during my bi-monthly massages.

Thank you Jerry for working your magic with my hair  and for introducing me to new friends.

Thank you Caitlyn for the manicures and pedicures and great girl talk. And thank you Kathy, my former manicurist for your love and friendship.

Thank you Martha, Suzi, Lily, Kristin, Inez, Christy, Holley, Ann, Liz, Amy, Dee, Vikki and Krista for continuing to include me in Gates Creek events.

Thank you Cassie and Vicky for your friendship.  You are awesome travel companions and I always enjoy our time hanging out, whether we are coloring, watching Desparate Housewives, exploring San Francisco or drinking Sangria.

Thank you to my SQUAD:  Ann, Carolyn, Sarah, and Sue.  You are more than sisters to me.  You have had my back every day.  And you have not judged me when I have made some poor choices during this crazy journey.

Thank you Gina for sending me cards to let me know I am always in your thoughts.

Thank you to my Facebook friends for encouraging me in my writing and letting me know that I am loved.

Thank you to Sandy and Linda for sharing Rick’s messages to me through you.

Thank you Rebecca for helping me find my dream home.  More importantly, thank you for sending my some great books.  “The Secret” has helped me immensely.

Thank you Dani and Lynne, not just for your decorating vision, but for your friendship.

Thank you Francine for comforting me even when you are hurting yourself.  You are such an inspiration to me. Your are strong and beautiful and wise and a survivor. Your encouraging note is on my wall and I read it every day.

Thank you Renee and Denise.  God made us cousins but you are more like sisters to me.  Thanks for  being here for me on my wedding anniversary.

Thank you to Pam, my BFF from high school.  I so enjoyed our time together in March and I love getting your bad jokes every Wednesday.

Thank you to my management team at work – Christine, Vista, and Bruce.  I am so lucky to work with you.  You all support me every day without question and without complaints.  I could not ask for better friends to work with.

Thank you to my BFF at work Alan.  I will need to write a separate post to adequately describe how much   joy you bring to my life.

Thank you to my boss Tim.  Your compassion and understanding has helped me immensely.

Thank you Hank and Michael and all my NCHS classmates for making me feel so loved and welcome at our 35th High School reunion.  And Thank You Amy for the wonderful memorial display at the reunion.

Thank you Rebecca, Kelly, Annie, and Leslie for the great dating advice.

Thank you “CH” for rejecting me.  It was the wake up call I needed to slow down and to finish my grief journey.

Thank you Jennifer for coaching me through my grieving process.

Thank you to my “writing to heal” coach Dolly.  I am attracting exactly what I am projecting.  The law of affirmation is powerful indeed.

Thank you Rick for loving me for 27 glorious years and for the amazing memories I will cherish forever.  I feel your presence guiding me in this next phase of my life.

Thank you Jeff. Your faith and integrity inspire me to be a better person.  I’m thankful that you found me.

Thank you God for your gifts. May I use them everyday to honor you and to glorify your name.